The chart below contains SCUBA cylinder specifications in both the imperial and metric systems of measurement. This chart is a compilation from many sources. It is intended to be a starting point for comparing different SCUBA tanks, their capacities, dimensions, weight, and buoyancy characteristics. You can go directly to the sources used in compiling this list by clicking on the “additional resources” tab at the bottom of this page.
SCUBA Tank Size Chart
The buoyancy of the cylinders above are in salt water. Also, the weight and dimensions do not include the tank valves.
If you are trying to determine which cylinder you are looking at, it may be helpful to look at our article on understanding tank markings. In it we go in depth into many of the engravings found on SCUBA cylinders.
Also, if you are in the market for a new tank and want more help with choosing the tank that's right for you you may want to read our article on how to pick the perfect SCUBA tank for you.
Also, For more information on specific cylinders we recommend you check with the cylinder manufacturers directly. The “additional resources” tab below contains links to the cylinder manufacturers listed above. You can find information that goes beyond the SCUBA tank size chart there.
Luxfer Gas Cylinders (Tank Manufacturer)
Catalina Cylinders (Tank Manufacturer)
Faber Cylinders (Tank Manufacturer)
Metal Impact (Tank Manufacturer)